

Preferences of healthcare providers for capitation payment in Kenya: a discrete choice experiment
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How do decision-makers use evidence in community health policy and financing decisions? A qualitative study and conceptual framework in four African countries
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What will it cost to prevent violence against women and girls in low- and middle-income countries? Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa and Zambia
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Antimicrobial and micronutrient interventions for the management of infants under 6 months of age identified with severe malnutrition: a literature review
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The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic: how have immunology societies contributed?
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Genomic epidemiology and evolutionary dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus group B in Kilifi, Kenya, 2015-17
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The clinical spectrum of severe childhood malaria in Eastern Uganda
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The Equatoguinean Malaria Vaccine Initiative: From the Launching of a Clinical Research Platform to Malaria Elimination Planning in Central West Africa
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Epidemiological Trends of Five Common Diarrhea-Associated Enteric Viruses Pre- and Post-Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Coastal Kenya
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Keeping people with epilepsy safe during the COVID-19 pandemic
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A vulnerability index for COVID-19: spatial analysis at the subnational level in Kenya
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Epilepsy care cascade, treatment gap and its determinants in rural South Africa
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A Novel HIV-1 RNA Testing Intervention to Detect Acute and Prevalent HIV Infection in Young Adults and Reduce HIV Transmission in Kenya: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
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Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling
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COVID-19: an opportunity to improve infection prevention and control in LMICs
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Evidence that informs feeding practices in very low birthweight and very preterm infants in sub-Saharan Africa: an overview of systematic reviews
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Vulnerability and agency across treatment-seeking journeys for acutely ill children: how family members navigate complex healthcare before, during and after hospitalisation in a rural Kenyan setting
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Characterising demographics, knowledge, practices and clinical care among patients attending sickle cell disease clinics in Eastern Uganda
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Anaemia among Kenyan children: a call for improved monitoring and intervention in school-aged children
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Ethical practice in my work: community health workers' perspectives using photovoice in Wakiso district, Uganda
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