Sassy Molyneux
181 results
Incorporating a quiz into informed consent processes: qualitative study of participants' reactions.Molyneux S, Gikonyo C, Marsh V, Bejon P
Malar J, (2007). 6:145
Treatment-seeking behaviour, cost burdens and coping strategies among rural and urban households in Coastal Kenya: an equity analysis.Chuma J, Gilson L, Molyneux C
Trop Med Int Health, (2007). 12:673-86
Utafiti in Coastal Kenya.Starling B, Kamuya D, Gikonyo C, Molyneux CS, Marsh V
Science and Public Affairs , (2007). :10-11
A phase 2b randomised trial of the candidate malaria vaccines FP9 ME-TRAP and MVA ME-TRAP among children in Kenya.Bejon P, Mwacharo J, Kai O, Mwangi T, Milligan P, Todryk S, Keating S, Lang T, Lowe B, Gikonyo C, Molyneux C, Fegan G, Gilbert SC, Peshu N, Marsh K, Hill AV
PLoS Clin Trials, (2006). 1:e29
Safety profile of the viral vectors of attenuated fowlpox strain FP9 and modified vaccinia virus Ankara recombinant for either of 2 preerythrocytic malaria antigens, ME-TRAP or the circumsporozoite protein, in children and adults in Kenya.Bejon P, Peshu N, Gilbert SC, Lowe BS, Molyneux CS, Forsdyke J, Lang T, Hill AV, Marsh K
Clin Infect Dis, (2006). 42:1102-10
Trust and informed consent: insights from community members on the Kenyan coast.Molyneux CS, Peshu N, Marsh K
Soc Sci Med, (2005). 61:1463-73
'Even if they ask you to stand by a tree all day, you will have to do it (laughter)...!': community voices on the notion and practice of informed consent for biomedical research in developing countries.Molyneux CS, Wassenaar DR, Peshu N, Marsh K
Soc Sci Med, (2005). 61:443-54
Bypassing districts? Implications of sector-wide approaches and decentralization for integrating gender equity in Uganda and Kenya.Elsey H, Kilonzo N, Tolhurst R, Molyneux C
Health Policy Plan, (2005). 20:150-7
Collecting quality information: Training manual on practical communication skills for field researchers and project personnel.Haaland A, Molyneux CS
, (2005). :
Understanding of informed consent in a low-income setting: three case studies from the Kenyan Coast.Molyneux CS, Peshu N, Marsh K
Soc Sci Med, (2004). 59:2547-59
Maternal mobility across the rural-urban divide: empirical data from coastal Kenya.Molyneux CS, Mung�ala-Odera V, Harpham T, Snow RW
Environment and Urbanization, (2002). 14:203-217
Intra-household relations and treatment decision-making for childhood illness: a Kenyan case study.Molyneux CS, Murira G, Masha J, Snow RW
J Biosoc Sci, (2002). 34:109-31
Urban health in developing countries: a review.Harpham T, Molyneux C
Progress in Development Studies, (2001). 1:113-137
Urban health in the context of poverty, inequity and polarization trends in developing countries. .Harpham T, Molyneux CS
Global Report on Human Settlements, UNCHS, (2001). :
Paediatric survival and re-admission risks following hospitalization on the Kenyan coast.Snow RW, Howard SC, Mung'Ala-Odera V, English M, Molyneux CS, Waruiru C, Mwangi I, Roberts DJ, Donnelly CA, Marsh K
Trop Med Int Health, (2000). 5:377-83
Maternal responses to childhood fevers: a comparison of rural and urban residents in coastal Kenya.Molyneux CS, Mung'Ala-Odera V, Harpham T, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (1999). 4:836-45
The effect of delivery mechanisms on the uptake of bed net re-impregnation in Kilifi District, Kenya.Snow RW, McCabe E, Mbogo CN, Molyneux CS, Some ES, Mung'ala VO, Nevill CG
Health Policy Plan, (1999). 14:18-25
Parasite antigens on the infected red cell surface are targets for naturally acquired immunity to malaria.Bull PC, Lowe BS, Kortok M, Molyneux CS, Newbold CI, Marsh K
Nat Med, (1998). 4:358-60
Relation between severe malaria morbidity in children and level of Plasmodium falciparum transmission in Africa.Snow RW, Omumbo JA, Lowe B, Molyneux CS, Obiero JO, Palmer A, Weber MW, Pinder M, Nahlen B, Obonyo C, Newbold C, Gupta S, Marsh K
Lancet, (1997). 349:1650-4
The effects of malaria control on nutritional status in infancy.Snow RW, Molyneux CS, Njeru EK, Omumbo J, Nevill CG, Muniu E, Marsh K
Acta Trop, (1997). 65:1-10