Recent publications

New insights into the epidemiology of malaria relevant for disease control.Snow RW, Marsh K
Br Med Bull, (1998). 54:293-309

The epidemiology of clinical malaria among African children.Snow RW, Marsh K
Bull Inst Pasteur, (1998). 96:15-23

Models to predict the intensity of Plasmodium falciparum transmission: applications to the burden of disease in Kenya.Snow RW, Gouws E, Omumbo J, Rapuoda B, Craig MH, Tanser FC, le Sueur D, Ouma J
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:601-6

A community randomized controlled trial of insecticide-treated bednets for the prevention of malaria and anaemia among primigravid women on the Kenyan coast.Shulman CE, Dorman EK, Talisuna AO, Lowe BS, Nevill C, Snow RW, Jilo H, Peshu N, Bulmer JN, Graham S, Marsh K
Trop Med Int Health, (1998). 3:197-204

Serotype distribution and prevalence of resistance to benzylpenicillin in three representative populations of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from the coast of Kenya.Scott JA, Hall AJ, Hannington A, Edwards R, Mwarumba S, Lowe B, Griffiths D, Crook D, Marsh K
Clin Infect Dis, (1998). 27:1442-50

An analysis of the geographical distribution of severe malaria in children in Kilifi District, Kenya.Schellenberg JA, Newell JN, Snow RW, Mung'ala V, Marsh K, Smith PG, Hayes RJ
Int J Epidemiol, (1998). 27:323-9

Mapping malaria transmission intensity using geographical information systems (GIS): an example from Kenya.Omumbo J, Ouma J, Rapuoda B, Craig MH, le Sueur D, Snow RW
Ann Trop Med Parasitol, (1998). 92:7-21

Neurological manifestations of falciparum malaria.Newton CR, Warrell DA
Ann Neurol, (1998). 43:695-702

Severe falciparum malaria in children: current understanding of pathophysiology and supportive treatment.Newton CR, Krishna S
Pharmacol Ther, (1998). 79:1-53

Malaria disaster in Africa.Marsh K
Lancet, (1998). 352:924

All four species of human malaria parasites form rosettes.Lowe BS, Mosobo M, Bull PC
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:526

The cost of treating paediatric malaria admissions and the potential impact of insecticide-treated mosquito nets on hospital expenditure.Kirigia JM, Snow RW, Fox-Rushby J, Mills A
Trop Med Int Health, (1998). 3:145-50

Predicting malaria seasons in Kenya using multitemporal meteorological satellite sensor data.Hay SI, Snow RW, Rogers DJ
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:12-20

Quinine sensitivity of isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from the coast of Kenya.Haruki K, Winstanley PA, Watkins WM, Marsh K
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:195-6

Antimicrobial resistance in developing countries.Hart CA, Kariuki S
BMJ, (1998). 317:647-50

Geophagy, iron status and anaemia among pregnant women on the coast of Kenya.Geissler PW, Shulman CE, Prince RJ, Mutemi W, Mnazi C, Friis H, Lowe B
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:549-53

Hypoglycaemia on and after admission in Kenyan children with severe malaria.English M, Wale S, Binns G, Mwangi I, Sauerwein H, Marsh K
QJM, (1998). 91:191-7

The voice of East Africa: the East African Medical Journal at its 75th anniversary.Dobson MJ, Malowany M, Ombongi K, Snow RW
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:685-6

Abnormal respiratory patterns in childhood cerebral malaria.Crawley J, English M, Waruiru C, Mwangi I, Marsh K
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1998). 92:305-8

Parasite antigens on the infected red cell surface are targets for naturally acquired immunity to malaria.Bull PC, Lowe BS, Kortok M, Molyneux CS, Newbold CI, Marsh K
Nat Med, (1998). 4:358-60