Jay Berkley/Matern Child Nutr
8 results
Anthropometric deficits and the associated risk of death by age and sex in children aged 6-59 months: A meta-analysis.Thurstans S, Wrottesley SV, Fenn B, Khara T, Bahwere P, Berkley JA, Black RE, Boyd E, Garenne M, Isanaka S, Lelijveld N, McDonald CM, Mertens A, Mwangome M, O'Brien KS, Stobaugh H, Taneja S, West KP, Guerrero S, Kerac M, Briend A, Myatt M
Matern Child Nutr, (2022). :e13431
Phenotype is sustained during hospital readmissions following treatment for complicated severe malnutrition among Kenyan children: A retrospective cohort study.Gonzales GB, Ngari MM, Njunge JM, Thitiri J, Mwalekwa L, Mturi N, Mwangome MK, Ogwang C, Nyaguara A, Berkley JA
Matern Child Nutr, (2020). 16:e12913
Individualized breastfeeding support for acutely ill, malnourished infants under 6 months old.Mwangome M, Murunga S, Kahindi J, Gwiyo P, Mwasho G, Talbert A, Kiige L, Samburu B, Mturi N, Abubakar A, Jones C, Berkley JA
Matern Child Nutr, (2020). 16:e12868
Measuring growth and medium- and longer-term outcomes in malnourished children.Owino VO, Murphy-Alford AJ, Kerac M, Bahwere P, Friis H, Berkley JA, Jackson AA
Matern Child Nutr, (2019). 15:e12790
Severe malnutrition in infants aged <6 months-Outcomes and risk factors in Bangladesh: A prospective cohort study.Munirul Islam M, Arafat Y, Connell N, Mothabbir G, McGrath M, Berkley JA, Ahmed T, Kerac M
Matern Child Nutr, (2019). 15:e12642
The impact of rickets on growth and morbidity during recovery among children with complicated severe acute malnutrition in Kenya: A cohort study.Ngari MM, Thitiri J, Mwalekwa L, Timbwa M, Iversen PO, Fegan GW, Berkley JA
Matern Child Nutr, (2018). 14:e12569
Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in an urban informal settlement in Kenya and is associated with malnutrition.Jones KDJ, Hachmeister CU, Khasira M, Cox L, Schoenmakers I, Munyi C, Nassir HS, Hunten-Kirsch B, Prentice A, Berkley JA
Matern Child Nutr, (2018). 14:e12452
The reliability of weight-for-length/height Z scores in children.Mwangome MK, Berkley JA
Matern Child Nutr, (2014). 10:474-80