Berkley JA

257 results

Defining childhood severe falciparum malaria for intervention studies.Bejon P, Berkley JA, Mwangi T, Ogada E, Mwangi I, Maitland K, Williams T, Scott JA, English M, Lowe BS, Peshu N, Newton CR, Marsh K
PLoS Med, (2007). 4:e251

Positive replication and linkage disequilibrium mapping of the chromosome 21q22.1 malaria susceptibility locus.Khor CC, Vannberg FO, Chapman SJ, Walley A, Aucan C, Loke H, White NJ, Peto T, Khor LK, Kwiatkowski D, Day N, Scott A, Berkley JA, Marsh K, Peshu N, Maitland K, Williams TN, Hill AV
Genes Immun, (2007). 8:570-6

A Mal functional variant is associated with protection against invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria and tuberculosis.Khor CC, Chapman SJ, Vannberg FO, Dunne A, Murphy C, Ling EY, Frodsham AJ, Walley AJ, Kyrieleis O, Khan A, Aucan C, Segal S, Moore CE, Knox K, Campbell SJ, Lienhardt C, Scott A, Aaby P, Sow OY, Grignani RT, Sillah J, Sirugo G, Peshu N, Williams TN, Maitland K, Davies RJ, Kwiatkowski DP, Day NP, Yala D, Crook DW, Marsh K, Berkley JA, O'Neill LA, Hill AV
Nat Genet, (2007). 39:523-8

Life-threatening hyponatraemia and neurotoxicity during chemotherapy for Burkitt's lymphoma.Osier FH, Berkley JA, Newton CR
Trop Doct, (2006). 36:177-8

Antibiotics for children with septicaemia in hospitals with limited resources..Berkley JA, Lowe BS, English M, Scott JAG
J Trop Pediatr, (2006). 52:46-48

Progressive increase in antimicrobial resistance among invasive isolates of Haemophilus influenzae obtained from children admitted to a hospital in Kilifi, Kenya, from 1994 to 2002.Scott JA, Mwarumba S, Ngetsa C, Njenga S, Lowe BS, Slack MP, Berkley JA, Mwangi I, Maitland K, English M, Marsh K
Antimicrob Agents Chemother, (2005). 49:3021-4

Invasive Gram-negative bacilli are frequently resistant to standard antibiotics for children admitted to hospital in Kilifi, Kenya.Bejon P, Mwangi I, Ngetsa C, Mwarumba S, Berkley JA, Lowe BS, Maitland K, Marsh K, English M, Scott JA
J Antimicrob Chemother, (2005). 56:232-5

Use of clinical syndromes to target antibiotic prescribing in seriously ill children in malaria endemic area: observational study.Berkley JA, Maitland K, Mwangi I, Ngetsa C, Mwarumba S, Lowe BS, Newton CR, Marsh K, Scott JA, English M
BMJ, (2005). 330:995

Bacteremia among children admitted to a rural hospital in Kenya.Berkley JA, Lowe BS, Mwangi I, Williams T, Bauni E, Mwarumba S, Ngetsa C, Slack MP, Njenga S, Hart CA, Maitland K, English M, Marsh K, Scott JA
N Engl J Med, (2005). 352:39-47

Bacteremia among Kenyan Children.Berkley JA
New England Journal of Medicine, (2005). 352:1379-1381

Mortality among Kenyan children admitted to a rural district hospital on weekends as compared with weekdays.Berkley JA, Brent A, Mwangi I, English M, Maitland K, Marsh K, Peshu N, Newton CR
Pediatrics, (2004). 114:1737-8; author reply 1738

Indicators of acute bacterial meningitis in children at a rural Kenyan district hospital.Berkley JA, Versteeg AC, Mwangi I, Lowe BS, Newton CR
Pediatrics, (2004). 114:e713-9

Traumatic lumbar punctures.Berkley JA, Mwangi I, Lowe B, Newton CR
Pediatrics, (2004). 113:172; author reply 172

Abnormal blood glucose concentrations on admission to a rural Kenyan district hospital: prevalence and outcome.Osier FH, Berkley JA, Ross A, Sanderson F, Mohammed S, Newton CR
Arch Dis Child, (2003). 88:621-5

Prognostic indicators of early and late death in children admitted to district hospital in Kenya: cohort study.Berkley JA, Ross A, Mwangi I, Osier FH, Mohammed M, Shebbe M, Lowe BS, Marsh K, Newton CR
BMJ, (2003). 326:361

Diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis in children at a district hospital in sub-Saharan Africa.Berkley JA, Mwangi I, Ngetsa CJ, Mwarumba S, Lowe BS, Marsh K, Newton CR
Lancet, (2001). 357:1753-7

Cerebral malaria versus bacterial meningitis in children with impaired consciousness.Berkley JA, Mwangi I, Mellington F, Mwarumba S, Marsh K
QJM, (1999). 92:151-7