12 Remarkable African Life Scientists– An inspirational book for young people
Over the past 10 years, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Schools Engagement Programme (SEP) has been engaging local schools with the aim of raising students’ awareness of leading African science; to stimulate students’ interest in pursuing careers in science https://sep.kemri-wellcome.org/. This aims at promoting an interest in science through interactions between researchers, students, and teachers.
Dr. Tabitha Mwangi, a former KWTRP scientist now working in the UK, has written an inspirational book targeted at High school going children but also useful in shaping students already in university in shaping their career journeys. The book, 12 Remarkable African Life Scientists, draws stories from 12 African researchers who have broken the proverbial glass ceiling in the field of research despite their humble backgrounds. This book aims at inspiring the young people towards research.
From the 10 years’ experience, we find that African scientists hold potential as role models to inspire local students and to shatter pre-existing scientist stereotypes. Life stories of researchers who have reached prominence from humble backgrounds are likely to inspire local school students. This aligns with the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Schools Engagement Programme (SEP) overarching aim – promoting an interest in science through interactions between researchers, students, and teachers.
After years of review, today’s launch seeks to raise awareness and profile for the book targeted at secondary schools, Universities to relevant stakeholders and institutions. The book was funded through the Wellcome Trust Public Engagement grant.