Kath Maitland/Wellcome Open Res

15 results

A Phase I trial of Non-invasive�Ventilation�and seizure prophylaxis with levetiracetam In�Children with�Cerebral Malaria Trial (NOVICE-M Trial).Maitland K, Obonyo N, Hamaluba M, Ogoda E, Mogaka C, Williams TN, Newton C, Kariuki SM, Gibb DM, Walker AS, Connon R, George EC
Wellcome Open Res, (2024). 9:281

SEVUparin as a potential Adjunctive Treatment in children with severe malaria: A phase I trial safety and dose finding trial (SEVUSMAART).Maitland K, Hamaluba M, Obonyo N, Oguda E, Mogoka C, Williams TN, Chaponda M, Miti S, Kamavu LK, Jonathan Gwasupika J, Connon R, Gibb DM, Dondorp A, Day N, White N, Walker AS, George EC
Wellcome Open Res, (2023). 8:484

Mortality among non-severely under nourished children with pneumonia globally: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.Nalwanga D, Bakker C, Kiggwe A, Negash AA, Ocan M, Briend A, Maitland K, Musiiime V, Karamagi C
Wellcome Open Res, (2023). 8:551

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of azithromycin in severe malaria bacterial co-infection in African children (TABS-PKPD): a protocol for a Phase II randomised controlled trial.Olupot-Olupot P, Okiror W, Mnjalla H, Muhindo R, Uyoga S, Mpoya A, Williams TN, terHeine R, Burger DM, Urban B, Connon R, George EC, Gibb DM, Walker AS, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2021). 6:161

Development of a legume-enriched feed for treatment of severe acute malnutrition.Walsh K, Delamare de la Villenaise de Chenevarin G, McGurk J, Maitland K, Frost G
Wellcome Open Res, (2021). 6:206

Children's Oxygen Administration Strategies And Nutrition Trial (COAST-Nutrition): a protocol for a phase II randomised controlled trial.Kiguli S, Olopot-Olupot P, Alaroker F, Engoru C, Opoka RO, Tagoola A, Hamaluba M, Mnjalla H, Mpoya A, Mogaka C, Nalwanga D, Nabawanuka E, Nokes J, Nyaigoti C, Briend A, van Woensel JBM, Grieve R, Sadique Z, Williams TN, Thomas K, Harrison DA, Rowan K, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2021). 6:221

Gastroenteritis Rehydration Of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (GASTROSAM): A Phase II Randomised Controlled trial: Trial Protocol.Olupot-Olupot P, Aloroker F, Mpoya A, Mnjalla H, Passi G, Nakuya M, Houston K, Obonyo N, Hamaluba M, Evans JA, Connon R, George EC, Gibb DM, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2021). 6:160

Characterising demographics, knowledge, practices and clinical care among patients attending sickle cell disease clinics in Eastern Uganda.Olupot-Olupot P, Wabwire H, Ndila C, Adong R, Ochen L, Amorut D, Abongo G, Okalebo CB, Akello SR, Oketcho JB, Okiror W, Asio S, Odiit A, Alaroker F, Nyutu G, Maitland K, Williams TN
Wellcome Open Res, (2020). 5:87

Informing thresholds for paediatric transfusion in Africa: the need for a trial.Maitland K, Ohuma EO, Mpoya A, Uyoga S, Hassall O, Williams TN
Wellcome Open Res, (2019). 4:27

Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy and cost of different methods for the assessment of severe anaemia in hospitalised children in Eastern Uganda.Olupot-Olupot P, Prevatt N, Engoru C, Nteziyaremye J, Amorut D, Chebet M, Senyondo T, Ongodia P, Ndila CM, Williams TN, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2018). 3:130

Modifying Intestinal Integrity and Micro Biome in Severe Malnutrition with Legume-Based Feeds (MIMBLE 2.0): protocol for a phase II refined feed and intervention trial.Walsh K, Calder N, Olupot-Olupot P, Ssenyondo T, Okiror W, Okalebo CB, Muhindo R, Mpoya A, Holmes E, Marchesi J, Delamare de la Villenaise de Chenevarin G, Frost G, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2018). 3:95

Children's Oxygen Administration Strategies Trial (COAST): A randomised controlled trial of high flow versus oxygen versus control in African children with severe pneumonia.Maitland K, Kiguli S, Opoka RO, Olupot-Olupot P, Engoru C, Njuguna P, Bandika V, Mpoya A, Bush A, Williams TN, Grieve R, Sadique Z, Fraser J, Harrison D, Rowan K
Wellcome Open Res, (2017). 2:100

Oral rehydration of malnourished children with diarrhoea and dehydration: A systematic review.Houston KA, Gibb JG, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2017). 2:66

Intravenous rehydration of malnourished children with acute gastroenteritis and severe dehydration: A systematic review.Houston KA, Gibb JG, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2017). 2:65

Gastroenteritis Aggressive Versus Slow Treatment For Rehydration (GASTRO). A pilot rehydration study for severe dehydration: WHO plan C versus slower rehydration.Houston KA, Gibb JG, Mpoya A, Obonyo N, Olupot-Olupot P, Nakuya M, Evans JA, George EC, Gibb DM, Maitland K
Wellcome Open Res, (2017). 2:62