Bob Snow/Trends Parasitol
9 results
Predicting changing malaria risk after expanded insecticide-treated net coverage in Africa.Smith DL, Hay SI, Noor AM, Snow RW
Trends Parasitol, (2009). 25:511-6
The uncertain burden of Plasmodium falciparum epidemics in Africa.Cox J, Hay SI, Abeku TA, Checchi F, Snow RW
Trends Parasitol, (2007). 23:142-8
Climate variability and malaria epidemics in the highlands of East Africa.Hay SI, Shanks GD, Stern DI, Snow RW, Randolph SE, Rogers DJ
Trends Parasitol, (2005). 21:52-3
Performance of forecasting, warning and detection of malaria epidemics in the highlands of western Kenya.Hay S, Renshaw M, Ochola SA, Noor AM, Snow RW
Trends Parasitol, (2003). 19:394-9
Estimating the needs for artesunate-based combination therapy for malaria case-management in Africa.Snow RW, Eckert E, Teklehaimanot A
Trends Parasitol, (2003). 19:363-9
Hot topic or hot air? Climate change and malaria resurgence in East African highlands.Hay SI, Rogers DJ, Randolph SE, Stern DI, Cox J, Shanks GD, Snow RW
Trends Parasitol, (2002). 18:530-4
The cost of not treating bednets.Guyatt HL, Snow RW
Trends Parasitol, (2002). 18:12-6
The past, present and future of childhood malaria mortality in Africa.Snow RW, Trape JF, Marsh K
Trends Parasitol, (2001). 17:593-7
Malaria early warning in Kenya.Hay SI, Rogers DJ, Shanks GD, Myers MF, Snow RW
Trends Parasitol, (2001). 17:95-9