Fluid management of severe falciparum malaria in African children
Pamba A, Maitland K
Trop Doct. 2004;34
Permenent descriptor
Most African children with severe malaria who die do so on the day of admission as a result of the complications of falciparum malaria. We highlight the value of a rapid structured triage assessment to look for emergency signs that will prioritize initial management and implementation of basic life support. This can be delivered with few resources and by non-specialist medical personnel. Reduction in case fatality can only come through the wider appreciation of the need for and application of supportive therapies to treat the life-threatening complications. Hypovolaemia has emerged as a common feature of children presenting with severe malaria complicated by acidosis. Early recognition and prompt treatment may lead to improvements in outcome. We discuss the new evidence supporting the role of hypovolaemia in severe malaria and potential treatment options whilst awaiting the results of clinical trials.