
Examining the Implementation Experience of the Universal Health Coverage Pilot in Kenya

Nyawira L, Machira Y, Munge K, Chuma J, Barasa E
Health Syst Reform. 2024;10

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The Kenyan government implemented a Universal Health Coverage (UHC) pilot project in four (out of 47) counties in 2019 to address supply-side gaps and remove user fees at county referral hospitals. The objective of this study was to examine the UHC pilot implementation experience using a mixed-methods cross-sectional study in the four UHC pilot counties (Isiolo, Kisumu, Machakos, and Nyeri). We conducted exit interviews (n = 316) with health facility clients, in-depth interviews (n = 134) with national and county-level health sector stakeholders, focus group discussions (n = 22) with community members, and document reviews. We used a thematic analysis approach to analyze the qualitative data and descriptive analysis for the quantitative data. The UHC pilot resulted in increased utilization of healthcare services due to removal of user fees at the point of care and increased availability of essential health commodities. Design and implementation challenges included: a lack of clarity about the relationship between the UHC pilot and existing health financing arrangements, a poorly defined benefit package, funding flow challenges, limited healthcare provider autonomy, and inadequate health facility infrastructure. There were also persistent challenges with the procurement and supply of healthcare commodities and with accountability mechanisms between the Ministry of Health and county health departments. The study underscores the need for whole-system approaches to healthcare reform in order to ensure that the capacity to implement reforms is strengthened, and to align new reforms with existing system features.