20 results
Scoping review of interventions to improve continuity of postdischarge care for newborns in LMICs.Grewal G, Fuller SS, Rababeh A, Maina M, English M, Paton C, Papoutsi C
BMJ Glob Health, (2024). 9:e012894
Development and validation of a new measurement instrument to assess internship experience of medical doctors in low-income and middle-income countries.Zhao Y, Jalloh S, Lam PK, Kwarshak YK, Mbuthia D, Misago N, Namedre M, Ph??ng NTB, Qaloewa S, Summers R, Tang K, Tweheyo R, Wills B, Zhang F, Nicodemo C, Gathara D, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2023). 8:
'We were treated like we are nobody': a mixed-methods study of medical doctors' internship experiences in Kenya and Uganda.Zhao Y, Mbuthia D, Gathara D, Nzinga J, Tweheyo R, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2023). 8:e013398
Hospital care for critical illness in low-resource settings: lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.English M, Oliwa J, Khalid K, Onyango O, Willows TM, Mazhar R, Mkumbo E, Guinness L, Schell CO, Baker T, McKnight J
BMJ Glob Health, (2023). 8:
Improving facility-based care: eliciting tacit knowledge to advance intervention design.English M, Nzinga J, Oliwa J, Maina M, Oluoch D, Barasa E, Irimu G, Muinga N, Vincent C, McKnight J
BMJ Glob Health, (2022). 7:e009410
Neonatal mortality in Kenyan hospitals: a multisite, retrospective, cohort study.Irimu G, Aluvaala J, Malla L, Omoke S, Ogero M, Mbevi G, Waiyego M, Mwangi C, Were F, Gathara D, Agweyu A, Akech S, English M, Clinical Information Network authors
BMJ Glob Health, (2021). 6:e004475
Employing learning health system principles to advance research on severe neonatal and paediatric illness in Kenya.English M, Irimu G, Akech S, Aluvaala J, Ogero M, Isaaka L, Malla L, Tuti T, Gathara D, Oliwa J, Agweyu A
BMJ Glob Health, (2021). 6:e005300
Using treatment guidelines to improve antibiotic use: insights from an antibiotic point prevalence survey in Kenya.Maina M, McKnight J, Tosas-Auguet O, Schultsz C, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2021). 6:e003836
Protecting children in low-income and middle-income countries from COVID-19.Ahmed S, Mvalo T, Akech S, Agweyu A, Baker K, Bar-Zeev N, Campbell H, Checkley W, Chisti MJ, Colbourn T, Cunningham S, Duke T, English M, Falade AG, Fancourt NS, Ginsburg AS, Graham HR, Gray DM, Gupta M, Hammitt L, Hesseling AC, Hooli S, Johnson AB, King C, Kirby MA, Lanata CF, Lufesi N, Mackenzie GA, McCracken JP, Moschovis PP, Nair H, Oviawe O, Pomat WS, Santosham M, Seddon JA, Thahane LK, Wahl B, Van der Zalm M, Verwey C, Yoshida LM, Zar HJ, Howie SR, McCollum ED
BMJ Glob Health, (2020). 5:e002844
Data for tracking SDGs: challenges in capturing neonatal data from hospitals in Kenya.Hagel C, Paton C, Mbevi G, English M, Clinical Information Network information systems interest group
BMJ Glob Health, (2020). 5:e002108
Lessons from a Health Policy and Systems Research programme exploring the quality and coverage of newborn care in Kenya.English M, Gathara D, Nzinga J, Kumar P, Were F, Warfa O, Tallam-Kimaiyo E, Nandili M, Obengo A, Abuya N, Jackson D, Brownie S, Molyneux S, Jones COH, Murphy GAV, McKnight J
BMJ Glob Health, (2020). 5:e001937
Effective coverage and budget implications of skill-mix change to improve neonatal nursing care: an explorative simulation study in Kenya.Tsiachristas A, Gathara D, Aluvaala J, Chege T, Barasa E, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2019). 4:e001817
Risk factors for death among children aged 5-14 years hospitalised with pneumonia: a retrospective cohort study in Kenya.Macpherson L, Ogero M, Akech S, Aluvaala J, Gathara D, Irimu G, English M, Agweyu A
BMJ Glob Health, (2019). 4:e001715
Developing recommendations for neonatal inpatient care service categories: reflections from the research, policy and practice interface in Kenya.Keene CM, Aluvaala J, Murphy GAV, Abuya N, Gathara D, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2019). 4:e001195
Tackling health professionals' strikes: an essential part of health system strengthening in Kenya.Irimu G, Ogero M, Mbevi G, Kariuki C, Gathara D, Akech S, Barasa E, Tsofa B, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2018). 3:e001136
Using a common data platform to facilitate audit and feedback on the quality of hospital care provided to sick newborns in Kenya.Maina M, Aluvaala J, Mwaniki P, Tosas-Auguet O, Mutinda C, Maina B, Schultsz C, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2018). 3:e001027
Expectations for nursing care in newborn units in Kenya: moving from implicit to explicit standards.Murphy GAV, Omondi GB, Gathara D, Abuya N, Mwachiro J, Kuria R, Tallam-Kimaiyo E, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2018). 3:e000645
Estimating the need for inpatient neonatal services: an iterative approach employing evidence and expert consensus to guide local policy in Kenya.Murphy GAV, Waters D, Ouma PO, Gathara D, Shepperd S, Snow RW, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2017). 2:e000472
Does audit and feedback improve the adoption of recommended practices? Evidence from a longitudinal observational study of an emerging clinical network in Kenya.Gachau S, Ayieko P, Gathara D, Mwaniki P, Ogero M, Akech S, Maina M, Agweyu A, Oliwa J, Oliwa J, Julius T, Malla L, Wafula J, Mbevi G, Irimu G, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2017). 2:e000468
Improving documentation of clinical care within a clinical information network: an essential initial step in efforts to understand and improve care in Kenyan hospitals.Tuti T, Bitok M, Malla L, Paton C, Muinga N, Gathara D, Gachau S, Mbevi G, Nyachiro W, Ogero M, Julius T, Irimu G, English M
BMJ Glob Health, (2016). 1:e000028