KASH Conference Awards
Congratulations to Jonathan Karisa who was awarded the Young Investigators Award for his presentation on entomological surveillance of main malaria vectors on the Kenyan coast during the just completed KASH conference. Mercy Tuwei was awarded best session presentation in the vector biology session for her work on MALDI-TOF MS for mosquito surveillance. Congratulations also goes to Leonard Ndwiga who scooped the Best Oral Presentation for the
Malaria Scientific Session. 15 researchers from the Programme also attended and participated in the13th Annual KASH conference as guest speakers, oral and poster presenters, and symposium conveners. This included a team from Entomology, the Africa Health Observatory Platform (AHOP) team convened a knowledge management symposium that brought together researchers, policy makers and practitioners in rethinking strategic research-for-health through
partnerships, innovation, evidence generation, and knowledge sharing in post-pandemic recovery era.