
Jukwaa la Utafiti Radio Programme

We held our quarterly review meetings with our Coastal radio fan clubs from Mombasa, Kaloleni and Kilifi. Our review meetings seek to get feedback from members of the public on the Jukwaa la Utafiti (Swahili for platform for research) radio program; What has worked/not worked, what they have learnt from the radio shows and ideas on how we can improve this engagement.  The feedback received informs our next steps and planning for our subsequent shows. Incorporating voices from the community is important since community members are key stakeholders in our engagement strategy.

The Jukwaa la Utafiti radio program is a platform that allows our researchers to engage with the public around their research work and health issues. The 1 hour radio show airs in 6 radio stations: Radio Maisha, Baraka FM, Msenangu FM, Sauti ya Pwani FM, SBS Radio and Spice FM.

Radio fan clubs are listeners and fans of a particular radio station who form groups based on their geographical locations. The fan clubs are formed independently by radio listeners themselves. KWTRP has been linked to the fans by the radio station team. The Coastal listeners are drawn from both urban and rural parts of Kilifi and Mombasa.