Bob Snow/Health Policy Plan
6 results
Competing interests, clashing ideas and institutionalizing influence: insights into the political economy of malaria control from seven African countries.Parkhurst J, Ghilardi L, Webster J, Snow RW, Lynch CA
Health Policy Plan, (2021). 36:35-44
Reconciling national treatment policies and drug regulation in Kenya.Amin AA, Walley T, Kokwaro GO, Winstanley PA, Snow RW
Health Policy Plan, (2007). 22:111-2
A comparative cost analysis of insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying in highland Kenya.Guyatt HL, Kinnear J, Burini M, Snow RW
Health Policy Plan, (2002). 17:144-53
A political analysis of corporate drug donations: the example of Malarone in Kenya.Shretta R, Walt G, Brugha R, Snow R
Health Policy Plan, (2001). 16:161-70
The effect of delivery mechanisms on the uptake of bed net re-impregnation in Kilifi District, Kenya.Snow RW, McCabe E, Mbogo CN, Molyneux CS, Some ES, Mung'ala VO, Nevill CG
Health Policy Plan, (1999). 14:18-25
Evaluating the community education programme of an insecticide-treated bed net trial on the Kenyan coast.Marsh VM, Mutemi W, Some ES, Haaland A, Snow RW
Health Policy Plan, (1996). 11:280-91