Bob Snow/Acta Trop
5 results
The influence of urbanisation on measures of Plasmodium falciparum infection prevalence in East Africa.Omumbo JA, Guerra CA, Hay SI, Snow RW
Acta Trop, (2005). 93:11-21
Creating spatially defined databases for equitable health service planning in low-income countries: the example of Kenya.Noor AM, Gikandi PW, Hay SI, Muga RO, Snow RW
Acta Trop, (2004). 91:239-51
Empirical modelling of government health service use by children with fevers in Kenya.Gething PW, Noor AM, Zurovac D, Atkinson PM, Hay SI, Nixon MS, Snow RW
Acta Trop, (2004). 91:227-37
The effects of malaria control on nutritional status in infancy.Snow RW, Molyneux CS, Njeru EK, Omumbo J, Nevill CG, Muniu E, Marsh K
Acta Trop, (1997). 65:1-10
Severe childhood malaria in two areas of markedly different falciparum transmission in east Africa.Snow RW, Bastos de Azevedo I, Lowe BS, Kabiru EW, Nevill CG, Mwankusye S, Kassiga G, Marsh K, Teuscher T
Acta Trop, (1994). 57:289-300