Charles Newton
484 results
A contextually relevant approach to assessing health risk behavior in a rural sub-Saharan Africa setting: the Kilifi health risk behavior questionnaire.Ssewanyana D, van Baar A, Newton CR, Abubakar A
BMC Public Health, (2018). 18:774
Cognition, mood and quality-of-life outcomes among low literacy adults living with epilepsy in rural Kenya: A preliminary study.Mwangala PN, Kariuki SM, Nyongesa MK, Mwangi P, Chongwo E, Newton CR, Abubakar A
Epilepsy Behav, (2018). 85:45-51
Quality of antiepileptic drugs in sub-Saharan Africa: A study in Gabon, Kenya, and Madagascar.Jost J, Ratsimbazafy V, Nguyen TT, Nguyen TL, Dufat H, Dugay A, Ba A, Sivadier G, Mafilaza Y, Jousse C, Traikia M, Leremboure M, Auditeau E, Raharivelo A, Ngoungou E, Kariuki SM, Newton CR, Preux PM
Epilepsia, (2018). 59:1351-1361
Health Risk Behaviour among Adolescents Living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Ssewanyana D, Mwangala PN, van Baar A, Newton CR, Abubakar A
Biomed Res Int, (2018). 2018:7375831
Clinical Application of Epilepsy Genetics in Africa: Is Now the Time?.Esterhuizen AI, Carvill GL, Ramesar RS, Kariuki SM, Newton CR, Poduri A, Wilmshurst JM
Front Neurol, (2018). 9:276
Persons with disabilities as experts-by experience: using personal narratives to affect community attitudes in Kilifi, Kenya.Gona JK, Newton CR, Hartley S, Bunning K
BMC Int Health Hum Rights, (2018). 18:18
The primary prevention of epilepsy: A report of the Prevention Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy.Thurman DJ, Begley CE, Carpio A, Helmers S, Hesdorffer DC, Mu J, Toure K, Parko KL, Newton CR
Epilepsia, (2018). 59:905-914
Ready-to-use food supplement, with or without arginine and citrulline, with daily chloroquine in Tanzanian children with sickle-cell disease: a double-blind, random order crossover trial.Cox SE, Ellins EA, Marealle AI, Newton CR, Soka D, Sasi P, Luca Di Tanna G, Johnson W, Makani J, Prentice AM, Halcox JP, Kirkham FJ
Lancet Haematol, (2018). 5:e147-e160
Prevalence, risk factors and behavioural and emotional comorbidity of acute seizures in young Kenyan children: a population-based study.Kariuki SM, Abubakar A, Kombe M, Kazungu M, Odhiambo R, Stein A, Newton CRJC
BMC Med, (2018). 16:35
Evaluation of the INTERGROWTH-21st Neurodevelopment Assessment (INTER-NDA) in 2 year-old children.Murray E, Fernandes M, Newton CRJ, Abubakar A, Kennedy SH, Villar J, Stein A
PLoS One, (2018). 13:e0193406
Perspectives on Underlying Factors for Unhealthy Diet and Sedentary Lifestyle of Adolescents at a Kenyan Coastal Setting.Ssewanyana D, Abubakar A, van Baar A, Mwangala PN, Newton CR
Front Public Health, (2018). 6:11
Prospective Observational Study of Incidence and Preventable Burden of Childhood Tuberculosis, Kenya.Brent AJ, Nyundo C, Langat J, Mulunda C, Wambua J, Bauni E, Sande J, Park K, Williams TN, Newton CRJ, Levin M, Scott JAG, Kids TB Study Group
Emerg Infect Dis, (2018). 24:514-523
Young people's and stakeholders' perspectives of adolescent sexual risk behavior in Kilifi County, Kenya: A qualitative study.Ssewanyana D, Mwangala PN, Marsh V, Jao I, van Baar A, Newton CR, Abubakar A
J Health Psychol, (2018). 23:188-205
Measuring neurodevelopment in low-resource settings.Gladstone M, Abubakar A, Idro R, Langfitt J, Newton CR
Lancet Child Adolesc Health, (2017). 1:258-259
Burden of neurodevelopmental disorders in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Bitta M, Kariuki SM, Abubakar A, Newton CRJC
Wellcome Open Res, (2017). 2:121
Psychometric evaluation of the Major Depression Inventory among young people living in Coastal Kenya.Otiende M, Abubakar A, Mochamah G, Walumbe D, Nyundo C, Doyle AM, Ross DA, Newton CR, Bauni E
Wellcome Open Res, (2017). 2:113
Prevalence, causes, and behavioral and emotional comorbidities of acute symptomatic seizures in Africa: A critical review.Kariuki SM, Abubakar A, Stein A, Marsh K, Newton CRJC
Epilepsia Open, (2017). 2:8-19
Prevalence, risk factors, and neurobehavioral comorbidities of epilepsy in Kenyan children.Kind CJ, Newton CRJC, Kariuki SM, Neurodevelopment Disorders study group
Epilepsia Open, (2017). 2:388-399
Magnitude and factors associated with nonadherence to antiepileptic drug treatment in Africa: A cross-sectional multisite study.Ibinda F, Odermatt P, Kariuki SM, Kakooza-Mwesige A, Wagner RG, Owusu-Agyei S, Masanja H, Ngugi AK, Mbuba CK, Doku VCK, Neville BG, Sander JW, Newton CRJC, Seeds writing group
Epilepsia Open, (2017). 2:226-235
Adverse perinatal events, treatment gap, and positive family history linked to the high burden of active convulsive epilepsy in Uganda: A population-based study.Kakooza-Mwesige A, Ndyomugyenyi D, Pariyo G, Peterson SS, Waiswa PM, Galiwango E, Chengo E, Odhiambo R, Ssewanyana D, Bottomley C, Ngugi AK, Newton CRJC, SEEDS Writing Group
Epilepsia Open, (2017). 2:188-198