Olotu AI

3 results

Blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate RH5.1/Matrix-M in healthy Tanzanian adults and children; an open-label, non-randomised, first-in-human, single-centre, phase 1b trial.Silk SE, Kalinga WF, Salkeld J, Mtaka IM, Ahmed S, Milando F, Diouf A, Bundi CK, Balige N, Hassan O, Mkindi CG, Rwezaula S, Athumani T, Mswata S, Lilolime NS, Simon B, Msami H, Mohamed M, David DM, Mohammed L, Nyaulingo G, Mwalimu B, Juma O, Mwamlima TG, Sasamalo IA, Mkumbange RP, Kamage JJ, Barrett JR, King LDW, Hou MM, Pulido D, Carnrot C, Lawrie AM, Cowan RE, Nugent FL, Roberts R, Cho JS, Long CA, Nielsen CM, Miura K, Draper SJ, Olotu AI, Minassian AM
Lancet Infect Dis, (2024). S1473-3099:00312-8

Further analysis of correlates of protection from a phase 2a trial of the falciparum malaria vaccines RTS,S/AS01B and RTS,S/AS02A in malaria-naive adults.Olotu AI, Fegan G, Bejon P
J Infect Dis, (2010). 201:970-1

Haemolytic uraemic syndrome in children admitted to a rural district hospital in Kenya.Olotu AI, Mithwani S, Newton CR
Trop Doct, (2008). 38:165-7