Etyang A
25 results
Evaluation of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19 (COPCOV): A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.Schilling WHK, Mukaka M, Callery JJ, Llewelyn MJ, Cruz CV, Dhorda M, Ngernseng T, Waithira N, Ekkapongpisit M, Watson JA, Chandna A, Nelwan EJ, Hamers RL, Etyang A, Beg MA, Sow S, Yavo W, Allabi AC, Basnyat B, Sharma SK, Amofa-Sekyi M, Yonga P, Adler A, Yuentrakul P, Cope T, Thaipadungpanit J, Rienpradub P, Imwong M, Abdad MY, Blacksell SD, Tarning J, Goudjo FF, Dossou AD, Konat�-Tour� A, Assi SB, Ouffou� K, Nasronudin N, Rachman BE, Romadhon PZ, Dewanto DD, Heryana MO, Novi T, Pasaribu AP, Mutiara M, Nasution MPR, Khairunnisa K, Dalimunthe FA, Airlangga E, Fahrezzy A, Subronto Y, Ananda NR, Rahardjani M, Rimainar A, Lucinde RK, Timbwa M, Onyango OE, Agutu C, Akech S, Hamaluba M, Kipyego J, Ngachi O, Haidara FC, Traor� OY, Diarra F, Khanal B, Dahal P, Shrestha S, Rijal S, Kabore Y, Adehossi E, Guindo O, Qamar FN, Kazi AM, Woodrow CJ, Laird S, Cheeba M, Ayles H, Cheah PY, Taylor WRJ, Batty EM, Chotivanich K, Pukrittayakamee S, Phumratanaprapin W, von Seidlein L, Dondorp A, Day NPJ, White NJ
PLoS Med, (2024). 21:e1004428
Managing hypertension in rural Gambia and Kenya: Protocol for a qualitative study exploring the experiences of patients, health care workers, and decision-makers.Diallo BA, Hassan S, Kagwanja N, Oyando R, Badjie J, Mumba N, Prentice AM, Perel P, Etyang A, Nolte E, Tsofa B
NIHR Open Res, (2024). 4:5
Evaluating the implementation of the Primary Health Integrated Care Project for Chronic Conditions: a cohort study from Kenya.Mugo R, Pliakas T, Kamano J, Sanga LA, Nolte E, Gasparrini A, Barasa E, Etyang A, Perel P
BMJ Public Health, (2024). 2:e000146
STRIKE-HBV: establishing an HBV screening programme in Kilifi, Kenya-challenges, successes and lessons learnt.Downs LO, Chirro O, Zaharani M, Safari B, Okanda D, Githinji G, Andersson MI, Newton R, Etyang A, Aliyan N, Matthews PC
Sex Transm Infect, (2024). 100:325-328
Determining the optimal diagnostic and risk stratification approaches for people with hypertension in two rural populations in Kenya and The Gambia: a study protocol for IHCoR-Africa Work Package 2.Perkins AD, Awori JO, Jobe M, Lucinde RK, Siemonsma M, Oyando R, Leon DA, Herrett E, Prentice AM, Shah AS, Perel P, Etyang A
NIHR Open Res, (2023). 3:68
Safety and immunogenicity of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine in adults in Kenya: a phase 1/2 single-blind, randomised controlled trial.Hamaluba M, Sang S, Orindi B, Njau I, Karanja H, Kamau N, Gitonga JN, Mugo D, Wright D, Nyagwange J, Kutima B, Omuoyo D, Mwatasa M, Ngetsa C, Agoti C, Cheruiyot S, Nyaguara A, Munene M, Mturi N, Oloo E, Ochola-Oyier L, Mumba N, Mauncho C, Namayi R, Davies A, Tsofa B, Nduati EW, Aliyan N, Kasera K, Etyang A, Boyd A, Hill A, Gilbert S, Douglas A, Pollard A, Bejon P, Lambe T, Warimwe G
Wellcome Open Res, (2023). 8:182
Where do those data go? Reuse of screening results from clinical trials to estimate population prevalence of HBV infection in adults in Kilifi, Kenya.Downs LO, Campbell C, Abouyannis M, Otiende M, Kapulu M, Obiero CW, Hamaluba M, Ngetsa C, Andersson MI, Githinji G, Warimwe G, Baisley K, Scott JAG, Matthews PC, Etyang A
J Virus Erad, (2023). 9:100355
Examining the responsiveness of the National Health Insurance Fund to people living with hypertension and diabetes in Kenya: a qualitative study.Oyando R, Were V, Willis R, Koros H, Kamano JH, Naanyu V, Etyang A, Mugo R, Murphy A, Nolte E, Perel P, Barasa E
BMJ Open, (2023). 13:e069330
Evaluating the effectiveness of the National Health Insurance Fund in providing financial protection to households with hypertension and diabetes patients in Kenya.Oyando R, Were V, Koros H, Mugo R, Kamano J, Etyang A, Murphy A, Hanson K, Perel P, Barasa E
Int J Equity Health, (2023). 22:107
Recurrent spontaneous Escherichia coli meningitis in an adult: a case report.Amulele AV, Ong'ayo G, Arara AM, Machanja EW, Etyang A, Aliyan NA, Wareham DW, Berkley JA, Gordon NC
JAC Antimicrob Resist, (2023). 5:dlad029
Seroprevalence, correlates and kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody in healthcare workers and nonclinical staff at a tertiary hospital: A prevaccine census study.Maina D, Omuse G, Ong'ete G, Mugaine P, Sayed S, Moloo Z, Shah R, Etyang A, Adam R
PLoS One, (2022). 17:e0267619
Scaling up the primary health integrated care project for chronic conditions in Kenya: study protocol for an implementation research project.Nolte E, Kamano JH, Naanyu V, Etyang A, Gasparrini A, Hanson K, Koros H, Mugo R, Murphy A, Oyando R, Pliakas T, Were V, Willis R, Barasa E, Perel P
BMJ Open, (2022). 12:e056261
Temporal trends of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Kenya.Adetifa IMO, Uyoga S, Gitonga JN, Mugo D, Otiende M, Nyagwange J, Karanja HK, Tuju J, Wanjiku P, Aman R, Mwangangi M, Amoth P, Kasera K, Ng'ang'a W, Rombo C, Yegon C, Kithi K, Odhiambo E, Rotich T, Orgut I, Kihara S, Bottomley C, Kagucia EW, Gallagher KE, Etyang A, Voller S, Lambe T, Wright D, Barasa E, Tsofa B, Bejon P, Ochola-Oyier LI, Agweyu A, Scott JAG, Warimwe GM
Nat Commun, (2021). 12:3966
Nocturnal dipping of heart rate and blood pressure in people with HIV in Tanzania.Nolan C, Reis K, Fadhil S, Etyang A, Ezeomah C, Kingery JR, Desderius B, Lee MH, Kapiga S, Peck RN
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), (2021). 23:1452-1456
Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in Kenyan blood donors.Uyoga S, Adetifa IMO, Karanja HK, Nyagwange J, Tuju J, Wanjiku P, Aman R, Mwangangi M, Amoth P, Kasera K, Ng'ang'a W, Rombo C, Yegon C, Kithi K, Odhiambo E, Rotich T, Orgut I, Kihara S, Otiende M, Bottomley C, Mupe ZN, Kagucia EW, Gallagher KE, Etyang A, Voller S, Gitonga JN, Mugo D, Agoti CN, Otieno E, Ndwiga L, Lambe T, Wright D, Barasa E, Tsofa B, Bejon P, Ochola-Oyier LI, Agweyu A, Scott JAG, Warimwe GM
Science, (2021). 371:79-82
Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies among Kenyan blood donors between June and August 2021..Uyoga S, Otiende M, Adetifa IMO, Karanja HK, Gitonga J, Mugo D, Makale J, Tawa B, Singilai A, Nyagwange J, Tuju J, Aman R, Mwangangi M, Amoth P, Kasera K, Ng�ang�a W, Kilonzo N, Chege E, Yegon C, Rotich T, Orgut I, Kagucia EW, Gallagher KE, Etyang A, Voller S, Bottomley C, Lambe T, Wright D, Tsofa B, Mwangangi J, Barasa E, Bejon P, Ochola-Oyier LI, Warimwe GM, Scott JAG, Agweyu A
1st International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA), (2021). :
Factors influencing the implementation of cardiovascular risk scoring in primary care: a mixed-method systematic review.Muthee TB, Kimathi D, Richards GC, Etyang A, Nunan D, Williams V, Heneghan C
Implement Sci, (2020). 15:57
Patient costs of diabetes mellitus care in public health care facilities in Kenya.Oyando R, Njoroge M, Nguhiu P, Sigilai A, Kirui F, Mbui J, Bukania Z, Obala A, Munge K, Etyang A, Barasa E
Int J Health Plann Manage, (2020). 35:290-308
Optimizing observer performance of clinic blood pressure measurement: a position statement from the Lancet Commission on Hypertension Group.Padwal R, Campbell NRC, Schutte AE, Olsen MH, Delles C, Etyang A, Cruickshank JK, Stergiou G, Rakotz MK, Wozniak G, Jaffe MG, Benjamin I, Parati G, Sharman JE
J Hypertens, (2019). 37:1737-1745
Patient costs of hypertension care in public health care facilities in Kenya.Oyando R, Njoroge M, Nguhiu P, Kirui F, Mbui J, Sigilai A, Bukania Z, Obala A, Munge K, Etyang A, Barasa E
Int J Health Plann Manage, (2019). 34:e1166-e1178