
Clinical Research

1211 results

The relationship between glucose production and plasma glucose concentration in children with falciparum malaria.Dekker E, Romijn JA, Waruiru C, Ackermans MT, Weverling GJ, Sauerwein RW, Endert E, Peshu N, Marsh K, Sauerwein HP
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1996). 90:654-7

Video assessment of simple respiratory signs.English M, New L, Peshu N, Marsh K
BMJ, (1996). 313:1527-8

The pathogenesis of severe malaria in African children.Marsh K, English M, Crawley J, Peshu N
Ann Trop Med Parasitol, (1996). 90:395-402

Deep breathing in children with severe malaria: indicator of metabolic acidosis and poor outcome.English M, Waruiru C, Amukoye E, Murphy S, Crawley J, Mwangi I, Peshu N, Marsh K
Am J Trop Med Hyg, (1996). 55:521-4

Perturbations of cerebral hemodynamics in Kenyans with cerebral malaria.Newton CR, Marsh K, Peshu N, Kirkham FJ
Pediatr Neurol, (1996). 15:41-9

Epileptic seizures and malaria in Kenyan children.Waruiru CM, Newton CR, Forster D, New L, Winstanley P, Mwangi I, Marsh V, Winstanley M, Snow RW, Marsh K
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1996). 90:152-5

An open randomized trial of artemether versus quinine in the treatment of cerebral malaria in African children.Murphy S, English M, Waruiru C, Mwangi I, Amukoye E, Crawley J, Newton C, Winstanley P, Peshu N, Marsh K
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1996). 90:298-301

Clinical algorithm for malaria in Africa.Marsh K, English M, Peshu N, Crawley J, Snow R
Lancet, (1996). 347:1327-8; author reply 1328-9

Interobserver variation in respiratory signs of severe malaria.English M, Murphy S, Mwangi I, Crawley J, Peshu N, Marsh K
Arch Dis Child, (1995). 72:334-6

Indicators of life-threatening malaria in African children.Marsh K, Forster D, Waruiru C, Mwangi I, Winstanley M, Marsh V, Newton C, Winstanley P, Warn P, Peshu N
N Engl J Med, (1995). 332:1399-404

Halofantrine pharmacokinetics in Kenyan children with non-severe and severe malaria.Watkins WM, Winstanley PA, Mberu EK, Kokwaro G, Murphy SA, Newton CJ, Mwangi I, Forster D, Marsh K
Br J Clin Pharmacol, (1995). 39:283-7

Natural selection of hemi- and heterozygotes for G6PD deficiency in Africa by resistance to severe malaria.Ruwende C, Khoo SC, Snow RW, Yates SN, Kwiatkowski D, Gupta S, Warn P, Allsopp CE, Gilbert SC, Peschu N
Nature, (1995). 376:246-9

Inter-observer agreement of the assessment of coma scales and brainstem signs in non-traumatic coma.Newton CR, Kirkham FJ, Johnston B, Marsh K
Dev Med Child Neurol, (1995). 37:807-13

The management of severe malaria in children: a review.Murphy S, English M, Omar A, Crawley J, Waruiru C, Mwangi I, Amukoye E, Peshu N, Newton CR, Winstanley PA
East Afr Med J, (1995). 72:536-9

Parasite viability during treatment of severe falciparum malaria: differential effects of artemether and quinine.Murphy S, Watkins WM, Bray PG, Lowe B, Winstanley PA, Peshu N, Marsh K
Am J Trop Med Hyg, (1995). 53:303-5

Brain swelling and ischaemia in Kenyans with cerebral malaria.Newton CR, Peshu N, Kendall B, Kirkham FJ, Sowunmi A, Waruiru C, Mwangi I, Murphy SA, Marsh K
Arch Dis Child, (1994). 70:281-7

The prevalence of epilepsy among a rural Kenyan population. Its association with premature mortality.Snow RW, Williams RE, Rogers JE, Mung'ala VO, Peshu N
Trop Geogr Med, (1994). 46:175-9

Serum tumour necrosis factor in children suffering from Plasmodium falciparum infection in Kilifi District, Kenya.Nyakundi JN, Warn P, Newton C, Mumo J, Jephthah-Ochola J
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1994). 88:667-70

A single dose of intramuscular sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine as an adjunct to quinine in the treatment of severe malaria: pharmacokinetics and efficacy.Newton CR, Winstanley PA, Watkins WM, Mwangi IN, Waruiru CM, Mberu EK, Warn PA, Nevill CG, Marsh K
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1993). 87:207-10

Towards optimal regimens of parenteral quinine for young African children with cerebral malaria: the importance of unbound quinine concentration.Winstanley P, Newton C, Watkins W, Mberu E, Ward S, Warn P, Mwangi I, Waruiru C, Pasvol G, Warrell D
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, (1993). 87:201-6