Nduati E/J Infect Dis
2 results
2 results
The plasma concentration of the B cell activating factor is increased in children with acute malaria.Nduati E, Gwela A, Karanja H, Mugyenyi C, Langhorne J, Marsh K, Urban BC
J Infect Dis, (2011). 204:962-70
Molecular evidence of greater selective pressure for drug resistance exerted by the long-acting antifolate Pyrimethamine/Sulfadoxine compared with the shorter-acting chlorproguanil/dapsone on Kenyan Plasmodium falciparum.Nzila AM, Nduati E, Mberu EK, Hopkins Sibley C, Monks SA, Winstanley PA, Watkins WM
J Infect Dis, (2000). 181:2023-8