Tom Williams/Haematologica

5 results

Infections in sickle cell disease.Scourfield LEA, Nardo-Marino A, Williams TN, Rees DC
Haematologica, (2024). :

Hepcidin regulation in Kenyan children with severe malaria and non-typhoidal Salmonella bacteremia.Abuga KM, Muriuki JM, Uyoga SM, Mwai K, Makale J, Mogire RM, Macharia AW, Mohammed S, Muthumbi E, Mwarumba S, Mturi N, Bejon P, Scott JAG, Nairz M, Williams TN, Atkinson SH
Haematologica, (2022). 107:1589-1598

The population dynamics of hemoglobins A, A2, F and S in the context of the hemoglobinopathies HbS and alpha-thalassemia in Kenyan infants.Macharia AW, Uyoga S, Ndila C, Nyutu G, Makale J, Tendwa M, Nyatichi E, Ojal J, Atkinson S, Williams TN
Haematologica, (2019). 104:e184-e186

Nutritional status, hospitalization and mortality among patients with sickle cell anemia in Tanzania.Cox SE, Makani J, Fulford AJ, Komba AN, Soka D, Williams TN, Newton CR, Marsh K, Prentice AM
Haematologica, (2011). 96:948-53

Nutritional iron status in children with alpha+ thalassemia and the sickle cell trait in a malaria endemic area on the coast of Kenya.Nyakeriga AM, Troye-Blomberg M, Mwacharo JK, Wambua S, Williams TN
Haematologica, (2005). 90:552-4