Charles Mbogo/Malar J
14 results
The Anopheles coluzzii range extends into Kenya: detection, insecticide resistance profiles and population genetic structure in relation to conspecific populations in West and Central Africa.Kamau L, Bennett KL, Ochomo E, Herren J, Agumba S, Otieno S, Omoke D, Matoke-Muhia D, Mburu D, Mwangangi J, Ramaita E, Juma EO, Mbogo C, Barasa S, Miles A
Malar J, (2024). 23:122
Evaluating the impact of larviciding with Bti and community education and mobilization as supplementary integrated vector management interventions for malaria control in Kenya and Ethiopia.Mutero CM, Okoyo C, Girma M, Mwangangi J, Kibe L, Ng'ang'a P, Kussa D, Diiro G, Affognon H, Mbogo CM
Malar J, (2020). 19:390
Evaluating effectiveness of screening house eaves as a potential intervention for reducing indoor vector densities and malaria prevalence in Nyabondo, western Kenya.Ng'ang'a PN, Okoyo C, Mbogo C, Mutero CM
Malar J, (2020). 19:341
Genomic signatures of population decline in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae.O'Loughlin SM, Magesa SM, Mbogo C, Mosha F, Midega J, Burt A
Malar J, (2016). 15:182
The role of gender on malaria preventive behaviour among rural households in Kenya.Diiro GM, Affognon HD, Muriithi BW, Wanja SK, Mbogo C, Mutero C
Malar J, (2016). 15:14
Design of a study to determine the impact of insecticide resistance on malaria vector control: a multi-country investigation.Kleinschmidt I, Mnzava AP, Kafy HT, Mbogo C, Bashir AI, Bigoga J, Adechoubou A, Raghavendra K, Knox TB, Malik EM, Nkuni ZJ, Bayoh N, Ochomo E, Fondjo E, Kouambeng C, Awono-Ambene HP, Etang J, Akogbeto M, Bhatt R, Swain DK, Kinyari T, Njagi K, Muthami L, Subramaniam K, Bradley J, West P, Massougbodji A, Oke-Sopoh M, Hounto A, Elmardi K, Valecha N, Kamau L, Mathenge E, Donnelly MJ
Malar J, (2015). 14:282
Shifts in malaria vector species composition and transmission dynamics along the Kenyan coast over the past 20 years.Mwangangi JM, Mbogo CM, Orindi BO, Muturi EJ, Midega JT, Nzovu J, Gatakaa H, Githure J, Borgemeister C, Keating J, Beier JC
Malar J, (2013). 12:13
Impact of insecticide-treated bed nets on malaria transmission indices on the south coast of Kenya.Mutuku FM, King CH, Mungai P, Mbogo C, Mwangangi J, Muchiri EM, Walker ED, Kitron U
Malar J, (2011). 10:356
Anopheles larval abundance and diversity in three rice agro-village complexes Mwea irrigation scheme, central Kenya.Mwangangi JM, Shililu J, Muturi EJ, Muriu S, Jacob B, Kabiru EW, Mbogo CM, Githure J, Novak RJ
Malar J, (2010). 9:228
Distribution of the main malaria vectors in Kenya.Okara RM, Sinka ME, Minakawa N, Mbogo CM, Hay SI, Snow RW
Malar J, (2010). 9:69
Host choice and multiple blood feeding behaviour of malaria vectors and other anophelines in Mwea rice scheme, Kenya.Muriu SM, Muturi EJ, Shililu JI, Mbogo CM, Mwangangi JM, Jacob BG, Irungu LW, Mukabana RW, Githure JI, Novak RJ
Malar J, (2008). 7:43
Survival of immature Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) in aquatic habitats in Mwea rice irrigation scheme, central Kenya.Mwangangi JM, Muturi EJ, Shililu J, Muriu SM, Jacob B, Kabiru EW, Mbogo CM, Githure J, Novak R
Malar J, (2006). 5:114
Linking field-based ecological data with remotely sensed data using a geographic information system in two malaria endemic urban areas of Kenya.Eisele TP, Keating J, Swalm C, Mbogo CM, Githeko AK, Regens JL, Githure JI, Andrews L, Beier JC
Malar J, (2003). 2:44
Examining the determinants of mosquito-avoidance practices in two Kenyan cities.Macintyre K, Keating J, Sosler S, Kibe L, Mbogo CM, Githeko AK, Beier JC
Malar J, (2002). 1:14