Edwine Barasa/Trop Med Int Health
4 results
Examining levels, distribution and correlates of health insurance coverage in Kenya.Kazungu JS, Barasa EW
Trop Med Int Health, (2017). 22:1175-1185
Determining the effective coverage of maternal and child health services in Kenya, using demographic and health survey data sets: tracking progress towards universal health coverage.Nguhiu PK, Barasa EW, Chuma J
Trop Med Int Health, (2017). 22:442-453
Out-of-pocket costs for paediatric admissions in district hospitals in Kenya.Barasa EW, Ayieko P, Cleary S, English M
Trop Med Int Health, (2012). 17:958-61
Viewpoint: Economic evaluation of package of care interventions employing clinical guidelines.Barasa EW, English M
Trop Med Int Health, (2011). 16:97-104