Tsofa B/BMC Health Serv Res
2 results

Examining the influence of health sector coordination on the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya.Nyawira L, Njuguna RG, Tsofa B, Musiega A, Munywoki J, Hanson K, Mulwa A, Molyneux S, Maina I, Normand C, Jemutai J, Barasa E
BMC Health Serv Res, (2023). 23:355

Management of human resources for health: implications for health systems efficiency in Kenya.Nyawira L, Tsofa B, Musiega A, Munywoki J, Njuguna RG, Hanson K, Mulwa A, Molyneux S, Maina I, Normand C, Jemutai J, Barasa E
BMC Health Serv Res, (2022). 22:1046