26 results
Readiness of the Kenyan public health sector to provide pre-referral care for severe paediatric malaria.Amboko B, Machini B, Githuka G, Bejon P, Zurovac D, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2022). 27:330-336
Plasmodium infection, anaemia and mosquito net use among school children across different settings in Kenya.Gitonga CW, Edwards T, Karanja PN, Noor AM, Snow RW, Brooker SJ
Trop Med Int Health, (2012). 17:858-70
Effects of revised diagnostic recommendations on malaria treatment practices across age groups in Kenya.Zurovac D, Njogu J, Akhwale W, Hamer DH, Larson BA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2008). 13:784-7
Access and barriers to measures targeted to prevent malaria in pregnancy in rural Kenya.Gikandi PW, Noor AM, Gitonga CW, Ajanga AA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2008). 13:208-17
The use of artemether-lumefantrine by febrile children following national implementation of a revised drug policy in Kenya.Gitonga CW, Amin AA, Ajanga A, Kangwana BB, Noor AM, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2008). 13:487-94
Translation of artemether-lumefantrine treatment policy into paediatric clinical practice: an early experience from Kenya.Zurovac D, Njogu J, Akhwale W, Hamer DH, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2008). 13:99-107
Mapping the environmental coverage of the INDEPTH demographic surveillance system network in rural Africa.Tatem AJ, Snow RW, Hay SI
Trop Med Int Health, (2006). 11:1318-26
The financial and clinical implications of adult malaria diagnosis using microscopy in Kenya.Zurovac D, Larson BA, Akhwale W, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2006). 11:1185-94
Microscopy and outpatient malaria case management among older children and adults in Kenya.Zurovac D, Midia B, Ochola SA, English M, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2006). 11:432-40
Modelling distances travelled to government health services in Kenya.Noor AM, Amin AA, Gething PW, Atkinson PM, Hay SI, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2006). 11:188-96
Modelling malaria risk in East Africa at high-spatial resolution.Omumbo JA, Hay SI, Snow RW, Tatem AJ, Rogers DJ
Trop Med Int Health, (2005). 10:557-66
Clinical algorithms for malaria diagnosis lack utility among people of different age groups.Mwangi TW, Mohammed M, Dayo H, Snow RW, Marsh K
Trop Med Int Health, (2005). 10:530-6
Impact of malaria control on childhood anaemia in Africa -- a quantitative review.Korenromp EL, Armstrong-Schellenberg JR, Williams BG, Nahlen BL, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2004). 9:1050-65
The difference between effectiveness and efficacy of antimalarial drugs in Kenya.Amin AA, Hughes DA, Marsh V, Abuya TO, Kokwaro GO, Winstanley PA, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2004). 9:967-74
Use of intermittent presumptive treatment and insecticide treated bed nets by pregnant women in four Kenyan districts.Guyatt HL, Noor AM, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2004). 9:255-61
The use of formal and informal curative services in the management of paediatric fevers in four districts in Kenya.Amin AA, Marsh V, Noor AM, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2003). 8:1143-52
Defining equity in physical access to clinical services using geographical information systems as part of malaria planning and monitoring in Kenya.Noor AM, Zurovac D, Hay SI, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2003). 8:917-26
Too poor to pay: charging for insecticide-treated bednets in highland Kenya.Guyatt HL, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2002). 7:846-50
Free bednets to pregnant women through antenatal clinics in Kenya: a cheap, simple and equitable approach to delivery.Guyatt HL, Gotink MH, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2002). 7:409-20
Malaria prevention in highland Kenya: indoor residual house-spraying vs. insecticide-treated bednets.Guyatt HL, Corlett SK, Robinson TP, Ochola SA, Snow RW
Trop Med Int Health, (2002). 7:298-303