1 results
Identifying the research, advocacy, policy and implementation needs for the prevention and management of respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection in low- and middle-income countries.Carbonell-Estrany X, Simoes EAF, Bont LJ, Gentile A, Homaira N, Scotta MC, Stein RT, Torres JP, Sheikh J, Broor S, Khuri-Bulos N, Nokes DJ, Munywoki PK, Bassat Q, Sharma AK, Basnet S, Garba M, De Jesus-Cornejo J, Lupisan SP, Nunes MC, Divarathna M, Fullarton JR, Rodgers-Gray BS, Keary I, Renosa MDC, Verwey C, Moore DP, Noordeen F, Kabra S, do Vale MS, Paternina-De La Ossa R, Marino C, Figueras-Aloy J, Krilov L, Berezin E, Zar HJ, Paudel K, Safadi MAP, Dbaibo G, Jroundi I, Jha R, Rafeek RAM, Pinheiro RS, Bracht M, Muthugala R, Lanari M, Martinon-Torres F, Mitchell I, Irimu G, Pandey A, Krishnan A, Mejias A, da Costa MSC, Shrestha S, Pernica JM, de Carvalho FC, Jalango RE, Ibrahim H, Ewa A, Ensinck G, Ulloa-Gutierrez R, Miralha AL, Lucion MF, Hassan MZ, Akhtar Z, Aleem MA, Chowdhury F, Rojo P, Sande C, Musau A, Zaman K, Helena L, Arlant F, Ghimire P, Price A, Subedi KU, Brenes-Chacon H, Goswami DR, Rahman MZ, Hossain ME, Chisti MJ, Vain NE, Lim A, Chiu A, Papenburg J, Juarez MDV, Senaratne T, Arunasalam S, Strand TA, Ayuk A, Ogunrinde O, Tavares LVS, Garba C, Garba BI, Dawa J, Gordon M, Osoro E, Agoti CN, Nyawanda B, Ngama M, Tabu C, Mathew JL, Cornacchia A, Rai GK, Jain A, Giongo MS, Paes BA
Front Pediatr, (2022). 10:1033125