2 results
Undertaking Community Engagement for a Controlled Human Malaria Infection Study in Kenya: Approaches and Lessons Learnt.Mumba N, Njuguna P, Chi P, Marsh V, Awuor E, Hamaluba M, Mauncho C, Mwalukore S, Masha J, Mwangoma M, Kalama B, Alphan H, Wambua J, Bejon P, Kamuya D, Kapulu MC
Front Public Health, (2022). 10:793913
What Does "Good" Community and Public Engagement Look Like? Developing Relationships With Community Members in Global Health Research.Hickey G, Porter K, Tembo D, Rennard U, Tholanah M, Beresford P, Chandler D, Chimbari M, Coldham T, Dikomitis L, Dziro B, Ekiikina PO, Khattak MI, Montenegro CR, Mumba N, Musesengwa R, Nelson E, Nhunzvi C, Ramirez CM, Staniszewska S
Front Public Health, (2021). 9:776940