Berkley JA/PLoS Med
5 results

Patterns of antibiotic use, pathogens, and prediction of mortality in hospitalized neonates and young infants with sepsis: A global neonatal sepsis observational cohort study (NeoOBS).Russell NJ, St?hr W, Plakkal N, Cook A, Berkley JA, Adhisivam B, Agarwal R, Ahmed NU, Balasegaram M, Ballot D, Bekker A, Berezin EN, Bilardi D, Boonkasidecha S, Carvalheiro CG, Chami N, Chaurasia S, Chiurchiu S, Colas VRF, Cousens S, Cressey TR, de Assis ACD, Dien TM, Ding Y, Dung NT, Dong H, Dramowski A, Ds M, Dudeja A, Feng J, Glupczynski Y, Goel S, Goossens H, Hao DTH, Khan MI, Huertas TM, Islam MS, Jarovsky D, Khavessian N, Khorana M, Kontou A, Kostyanev T, Laoyookhon P, Lochindarat S, Larsson M, Luca M, Malhotra-Kumar S, Mondal N, Mundhra N, Musoke P, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Nanavati R, Nakwa F, Nangia S, Nankunda J, Nardone A, Nyaoke B, Obiero CW, Owor M, Ping W, Preedisripipat K, Qazi S, Qi L, Ramdin T, Riddell A, Romani L, Roysuwan P, Saggers R, Roilides E, Saha SK, Sarafidis K, Tusubira V, Thomas R, Velaphi S, Vilken T, Wang X, Wang Y, Yang Y, Zunjie L, Ellis S, Bielicki JA, Walker AS, Heath PT, Sharland M
PLoS Med, (2023). 20:e1004179

A reduced-carbohydrate and lactose-free formulation for stabilization among hospitalized children with severe acute malnutrition: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial.Bandsma RHJ, Voskuijl W, Chimwezi E, Fegan G, Briend A, Thitiri J, Ngari M, Mwalekwa L, Bandika V, Ali R, Hamid F, Owor B, Mturi N, Potani I, Allubha B, Muller Kobold AC, Bartels RH, Versloot CJ, Feenstra M, van den Brink DA, van Rheenen PF, Kerac M, Bourdon C, Berkley JA
PLoS Med, (2019). 16:e1002747

Age, Spatial, and Temporal Variations in Hospital Admissions with Malaria in Kilifi County, Kenya: A 25-Year Longitudinal Observational Study.Mogeni P, Williams TN, Fegan G, Nyundo C, Bauni E, Mwai K, Omedo I, Njuguna P, Newton CR, Osier F, Berkley JA, Hammitt LL, Lowe B, Mwambingu G, Awuondo K, Mturi N, Peshu N, Snow RW, Noor A, Marsh K, Bejon P
PLoS Med, (2016). 13:e1002047

Research priorities to improve the management of acute malnutrition in infants aged less than six months (MAMI).Angood C, McGrath M, Mehta S, Mwangome M, Lung'aho M, Roberfroid D, Perry A, Wilkinson C, Israel AD, Bizouerne C, Haider R, Seal A, Berkley JA, Kerac M, MAMI Working Group Collaborators
PLoS Med, (2015). 12:e1001812

Defining childhood severe falciparum malaria for intervention studies.Bejon P, Berkley JA, Mwangi T, Ogada E, Mwangi I, Maitland K, Williams T, Scott JA, English M, Lowe BS, Peshu N, Newton CR, Marsh K
PLoS Med, (2007). 4:e251